DAE FOUNDATION is primarily responsible for the strategic implementation of new technology solutions that improve the student-athlete efficiency while meeting the school, community and student-athlete goals
Assisting and consulting
Developing and managing models for coaches, student-athletes and families
Specialized Recreation Programs: January 2020 to March 2020
- Basketball Basics 101: Skill Development Group Classes
- Ages: 7 to 9 and 10 to 12 (Boys and Girls)
- Duration: January to March (12 sessions)
- Cost: $25 per Session
- Locations and Practice Times:
Sundaes @ Arthur W. Christopher Community Center (City Gym)
- 7 to 9 Group: 4:00 to 5:30 pm
- 10 to 12 Group: 5:30 to 7 pm
Registration for skill development: https://mrdaefoundation.typeform.com/to/RSS9RB
Recreation Development Teams: April 2020 to July 2020
- Team: Training and Practice
- Grades: 4th/5th/6th (Boys and Girls)
- Teams: Comprised of players and coaches from West Ashley, Daniel Island, James Island and Charleston teams
- Duration: April to July
- Locations and Practice Times:
Thursdaes @ Arthur W. Christopher Community Center (City Gym)
- 7 to 9 Group: 4:45 to 6:15 pm
- 10 to 12 Group: 6:15 to 7:45 pm
Sundaes @ Arthur W. Christopher Community Center (City Gym)
- 7 to 9 Group: 4:00 to 5:30 pm
- 10 to 12 Group: 5:30 to 7:00 pm
Coaches Clinics: Development and recruitment of coaches to coach athletes
Registration for volunteer coaches: https://mrdaefoundation.typeform.com/to/c6GOQ7
We are currently partnered with the City of Charleston Recreation Department. If your recreation department is interested in consulting services to up your game, give us a call!
Alliance/Community Partners:
DAE Foundation – programming specialist for student-athletes – http://daefoundation.org
Teammate Basketball – viewing tournaments for student-athlete – http://www.teammatebasketball.com/
Next College Student Athlete– recruitment/exposure platform-
DAE Page: https://team.ncsasports.org/teams/dae/sign_up?coach_id=14371
NCSA Home Page: https://www.ncsasports.org/